Monday, November 2, 2009

The kettle ball is my new obsession, I played with one on Sunday for a few minutes and I can feel it. I think I may need to invest in two of them for sure. This last week was interesting to say the least. This week I am trying to get back on the schedule I was before two feet of snow dropped in my yard. The walks were far more grueling and sweaty in two feet of snow with winter boots on. Every year I say I am going to get snow shoes and never do, I think I just might. With the weather like fresh spring I think I will enjoy as much of the outdoors while I can. I do like winter, but I HATE the wind and we had some great winds blowing in my face during those walks.
Protein, fiber and water is what it is about this week. I also plan to go back to my crunches in hopes that don't cause unwanted extra pain. I am still losing about two pounds a week but didn't check before this post.
I can't believe it is November already, these next three months are the worst food months of the year. All the entertaining and baking, I may just have to join a gym for the next three months.


Medical Librarian said...

Okay, how sad is it that I don't even know what a kettle ball is??

And I'm still thinking about Sangria after reading last week's post. Yum.

The Certifiable Dieter said...

Now you have me thinking about Sangria all over again.
Did you Goggle a kettle ball? I am on so much pain just from playing with one and not working out with it.