Thursday, June 18, 2009

13 things that have nothing to do with anything

I am sick of the gloomy weather, I am not a fan of summer, but would like to experience some of it this year. Clouds and rain don’t make for great hikes. Neither does extreme heat but some sunshine would be nice, just not a lot of heat.

I am in a rut and can’t get out…I’m stuck in all things life.

My petunias are growing fast and large, thanks to the rain. I bought the one that fall over the planter and can’t wait for them to get bigger. They are vibrant and pretty.

Puppies are like toddlers, always going. They make good walking companions until they get tired and just rollover and rest in the grass. Very Entertaining!

I keep reminding myself-21 days makes a habit, I will start tomorrow. It has been over 21 days of me saying that, so, I guess that is the new habit.

Even if I stay up until 2:00 am, I always wake at 5:15, what gives? Could be the new puppy…

I hate cottonwood trees; they are trying to kill me, Really! Allergies galore.

I discovered on my walks hoards of these big mud huts that looked like huge bee hives, it turns out they are Swallows and should one disturb their homes under the bridge it is like and Alfred Hitchcock scene. This is the first year I have ever encountered them and there are thousands per bridge. I know nothing about them other than they fly low and feed their young at about 7:30 pm.

I have a stack of book as high as my hip that I have not read, yet, I keep buying more books to add to the pile.

I have been planning on this great arm workout program for months and have yet to start it.

I had to cancel my summer getaway but plan on going canoeing in Frisco as soon as we have some decent weather in the mountains. It is so pretty and peaceful up there.

I still want to try rollerblading and learn to golf. I think I will sign up for the free lesson at my course today!

I am still blaming the Ghrelin for my weight gain and set backs…bad hormone.


Unknown said...

Interesting list. I too am on the diet bandwagon. Good thing books have no calories. lol
Happy T13!

I am Harriet said...

21 days makes a habit? eeeeewww...

Mia Celeste said...

I like petunias too. Good luck on your diet.

Anonymous said...

You got me at 21 days! :)

Medical Librarian said...

I cringe when I think of the financial investment with the books sitting around my house. . . .