Monday, November 9, 2009

It's all madness

Just about every week I say I am going to get on a better schedule, I am going to do this and that. This and that never seems to totally come about. 2009 has been a really stressful and crappy year, and I am more than excited to see it go. I know I am not alone in this.
I am a person that's life runs smoother when I have a routine/schedule. I live off my calendar and am somewhat of a type A personality, and I have a all or nothing attitude. None of which has served me well at all this last year. With the economy causing strife for many of us it only adds to the stress. What's my point to all this? I don't have one.
Every Monday I make promises to myself, publish them here and then contemplate them. Every Monday I also make other promises to myself in my personal and business life as well. All have fallen by the wayside these last couple of months. I am also a person who is fear driven, or creates miracles (for myself, family, not a over all miracle worker.) in a extreme time crunch/deadline. This last week I was thrown a dose of both. None of it pertains to my journey to getting healthier weight wise, but it does mentally. When things are accomplished, goals are met, and that fear has been pushed aside or taken care of I feel better. When I feel better mentally I take care of myself physically. I also hear I am a bit more pleasant to deal with.
I have a lot of personal/business goals that NEED to be met this week, with the deadline being the end of next week. With this need will create a schedule, one I am hoping will transfer into all aspects of my life as a whole. I will continue to try and hydrate, eat well and get more exercise, but, at the end of the day- it really all comes down to my state of mind.