Monday, November 16, 2009

We had a lot of wet snow and chilly weather this weekend. I am always reminded just how fast my legs can move when it's that cold and I have no hat. I looked like I had white snow dreads, not an appealing look. I have been doing my best to remain germ free, take my C, and all the other crazy things I get from Vitamin Cottage, and I still woke up Sunday feeling like crap. Flu-ish with no fever or cold. I couldn't eat a morsel of food to save myself all day. I really hope I am not getting something. I know to many that have thought or have had H1N1 and that nasty respiratory stuff going around.
My weight has remained the same, this scares me with the holidays coming up. With my new business taking flight one of my advertisers just may be one of the nicest health clubs in my area. I am willing to trade for a partial free membership for the winter. This place is so nice you want to keep going back. I have been to their spa and it is a dream. That would get me to the gym. That fact that it is located so close to Borders and Nordstrom's not a good idea.
I am still really doing crappy with my liquid intake and know that is one thing that could really help keep me healthy this season.
My goal this week is to start and extra indoor walk on my treadmill in the mornings after my shake and as always -Yoga. I know I can't be the only person that meets people that say their lives have changed from this. Am I?
This week I will also hunt down great tips and recipes for the holidays and ways to fit in mini workouts.
I refuse to gain weight this holiday season. I swear I will not do it...

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