Monday, January 11, 2010

A Final post

As I mentioned last week I will be moving on from this blog. I thought I would run it until the end of January, but have decided to make this my last post. I will continue to challenge myself, strive for better overall health, both mentally and physically since they do go hand and hand. Since this was really only one aspect of my life I am looking forward to blogging about all of them. I have started a new blog called The Reinvention of Woman. It seems to say all that I am trying to do in my life right now, Reinvent. I am hopeful that 2010 is going to be a great year for me both fitness/health wise and everything in-between.
With that said-This last week has been a decent week, aside from a slight foot injury that has since recovered for the most part. I have been eating better, drinking more water, have once again given up red meat, and am not sure I have actually eaten any meat yet this year. Hmmm
I am going back to my chicken and aquarium (as my friend called it today) way of eating. I have been reading a lot of new books on healthy clean eating and looking forward to some of the great recipes. I have started and stopped my beginner running, and will start again when my foot is 100%. I have been doing my weight training and tracking it religiously for the last week, getting into stretching again and focusing on how my body feels as a whole and what it needs.
I will continue to try and look forward and appreciate all that my body does for me and how hard it works to keep me breathing. For that I think it deserves a lot of respect.
I will continue to post on my progress from time to time on my new blog, and I just know I will get to where I want to be by my next birthday! I will also keep telling myself that.
With all that said, I say good bye to my couple readers. I will leave this blog up until the end of January. I can now be found at-

Stats since blog started:
Pounds lost 33
Sizes 3 and several inches

Wishes for great health always,
The Certifiable Dieter


Medical Librarian said...

I was just wondering how many pounds you've lost since you started blogging. Congratulations!!!!!

And I'm very, very excited about the new blog. See you there!

reginag said...

We will missed you! Have a nice trip.