Monday, October 12, 2009

What a cold weekend we had, it even came with some snow. I forgot how fast I am capable of walking. This last week was a really good week again, it is these weeks that improves my motivation. I have about two pounds to go and I am down another decade. I have tossed out more clothes again this week and am really liking how my arms are starting to take form. I think my puppy, Ruby, is mostly responsible for the right arm and I am working to get my left to catch up.
I have been sticking to a mostly clean eating plan, I am still in love with my Whole Foods brown rice California rolls, I have been adding protein powder to other items to get the most protein possible. Since Saturday was cold and chilly it called for comfort food. I made lasagna, but before indulging I had a long fast walk and half the portion I would have normally had. I ate a salad first and drank water. I was impressed with myself, that is a hard food to resist.
A friend that I have had most of my life told me the other day she thought surgery was quicker than a diet. I am greatly disturbed by this. I am not sure I would have been had she been a bigger girl her whole life, but she hasn't. She has gained a good amount of weight in the last two years, but she quit smoking, her mom passed away and they gave her an anti depressant to deal with it, add that to the birth control shot and eating out six days a week and you will gain some weight. The stopping smoking alone will do it. She has a friend that has always been really big and had the surgery, and has convinced her there is no need to diet. Honestly!
My point in sharing? I just can't imagine going to that extreme without even trying to modify my life first. I don't qualify for the surgery and I doubt she does either, but spending 20k to not have to exercise and eat better is unthinkable to me. It make me just a bit prouder that I have been getting somewhere on my own, even if it is a slow and painful process. In the end it will be all me.
I have been finding that buying shrimp (its on sale) and taking it out of the freezer as needed and cooking chicken breasts and Quinoa ahead of time has helped me make better choices when I am hungry. If I get hungry at night I ask myself "am I hungry or bored"? Mostly bored and I am working on not eating after 7:00 pm.
By my next post I will be down the rest of that decade and working towards the next. I have started my strength training program again, and hope to keep that up for my 21 day rule and then it will be habit. As frugal as I am-I am really liking this clothing toss that has been going on.
It is so nice to put something on that you love but didn't fit and now it is just right or slightly big.


Medical Librarian said...

That just seems so backwards to me, too. And my friend Sharon, who did have one of the weight-loss surgery procedures and looks fantastic, goes to the gym regularly and participates in Weight Watchers. The surgery was a start, not a permanent, simple fix for her.

The Certifiable Dieter said...

The girl that told this friend she should just have the surgery doesn't take her vitamins, workout or eat right. She eats fast food. Any time you have surgery it is a big deal. People should treat it as such, like your friend did.