Monday, November 30, 2009

Lobster on Thanksgiving is no guarantee that you won't gain extra pounds. How do I know this? I gained two...
I am still puzzled by how this happened, it was in the 70's that day and I had an extra long walk before the indulging began. Then there was the pumpkin custard pie, pecan pie and whiskey cake that needed sampling. With it came two pounds. TWO!
This week I plan to lose four pounds, the two I gained and the two I should have lost anyway. The holiday season's are a weight killer. I read all the magazines and books on how to survive the holiday season's healthfully, but clearly they don't know what they are talking about and have never had Sunny's whiskey cake.
That morning exercise class on Thanksgiving that I swear I am going to do every year, didn't do it. Shocking! I think just saying it and thinking it has become a tradition on it's own. So sad.
My Christmas tree and decor are up, and only a couple of weeks until the baking begins. Maybe I would be better off not baking this year, but a girl has to learn some self control, right? Right.
Summary: Two pounds gained (damn it damn it) still not enough liquid intake other than the great Tejava, protein and fiber greatly lacking, and exercise aside from walking also lacking. I could keep going but would need a therapy session when I am done.
I will be working on all of thee above and the rest of my life this coming week and the next...this is such an ongoing process.


Medical Librarian said...

Two pounds for just sampling doesn't seem fair, does it???

The Certifiable Dieter said...

Heck no!